Monday, June 2, 2014

Short and Sweet

           If I were to describe my writing style, condensed and concise are not the characteristics I would choose. There are various reasons for this, but personally viewing shortened or simplified writing as deficient is not one of them. I personally just haven’t mastered the art of writing a powerful message in a minimal amount of space.  I guess this blog post is kind of like practice. Some may view concise writing as simplified, and I agree with that. However, to me the word simple carries no negative connotation. There is a complexity to a simple occurrence that I find fascinating. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Gandhi. Ten words. One incredibly influential message.
            It isn’t only statements that hold this paradoxical complexity. We commonly overlook the simple events in our live that might hold value. All the messages I have received from God were revealed through simple occurrences that are easy to overlook, and I am so grateful the unnoticeable messages I came across were noticed.
            We spend our lives watching and waiting for some major momentary event. Graduating High school. Graduating College. Getting Married. Events such as these obviously hold importance, however there is a dangerous distraction accompanying them. When we concentrate on one narrowly major aspect of our lives we stop noticing. We stop noticing the simple everyday forms of joy, success, and kindness. I can’t clearly illustrate what these simple events that we may encounter appear as because our experiences our simply our own. They exist on an individually exclusive level. I can however, give you a challenge. Stop looking and start noticing. 


  1. The best example of a short and sweet writing style I have come across is C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia series. In these books written for children, Lewis creates an incredible and complex imaginary world with a fraction of the effort and words needed in similar fantasy novels. The Chronicles of Narnia also draw many Christian parallels in the fictional universe that he created.

  2. "Stop looking and start noticing" First of all, GENIUS! I most definitely agree with your beautiful statements here, Miss PurpleBranch. People often get blinded by a major goal they plan to reach, yet never stop to enjoy the small moments that come along with the journey. I know I have experienced this way of life more than once. You focus only on your future, when taking the steps to get there are the best times! Not only is savoring the tiny moments on your journey to 'success' (or your 'dream' or 'goal') a really fun experience, but a learning one as well! These moments encountered in the present prepare you to be even better in the future. So...did I like this post? Yes, very much so. I should stop now, this comment has gone more than the typical 140 characters on twitter. That is all:)

  3. Miss PurpleBranch, I'd like you to know that you just made me write, and I am not typically fond of writing...but you made me write...inspiring I'll say!
