Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In the Moment

“Live in the present”. “Life is too short to be worrying about the future”. “Today is a gift”. Those are just a sampling of the cliches that have never stopped being told, but at the same time they are not listened too by the human ear. If anyone has never been told told to live in the moment, because life is a gift and worrying about the future ruins the present, then this blog post isn’t for you. Go explore the world. Find people to tell you to live in the moment and then come back and read this. Why? I am not here to tell the already told. This post is for people who have heard and believed in the ideal all their lives, but struggle to put the word to action.
I and many others believe that being fully engaged in the present moments of our lives is the ideal form of existence. The classic cliche is a book we have read that proved to be an enjoyable and agreeable read. It was so widely accepted and beloved they even made a movie adaptation of it. However, the movie didn’t do the book justice. Parts were left out. Favorites things were overlooked. Important parts were not emphasized. Nothing turned out the way you imagined and hoped it would. But what can you expect. Putting words to action is a difficult task.
I believe I have been receiving signs recently telling me to stop worrying about the future and focus on the present. I know I should. Life is too short. We need to cherish the time we have now. One day we will look back at these moments and miss them. The logic and beauty behind the philosophy is undeniable, but it is hard to give the philosophy life in our reality. It’s just simply hard to stop worrying, imagining, or hoping for the future. Its hard to not fear what tomorrow may bring. It’s hard to not worry about the pain that might be encountered. It’s hard not steal time from the present in attempts to prevent future misfortune. It’s also hard not to hope for a future better than the present. It’s hard not to try to imagine what a better life will entail. Its hard to stop trying to do the impossible and live in the future, and consequently distancing yourself from the present. Its too hard. However, struggle can add value.
All of the wise men and women who tell us the wise statements I am addressing usually leave out how one would actually become successful in forgetting about the future and fully living in the present. But I think the how is an open ended question on a test. Answer it how you want, but you might not get it right. Jesus, as usual, has something to say on the subject. In the passage titled Trust In God (hint hint) Jesus asks, “Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it?” Luke 12:25. Now imagine this is an open ended question on Mr. Jesus’s final exam. Now the obvious correct answer is no, but what if Mr. Jesus pulled the oldest and cruelest teachers trick that there ever was. What if he added one simple word to the instruction. EXPLAIN. His students have been stumped for years trying to figure it. We know the answer. We know what we should do. We just don’t know how. Some have succeeded and some have not. Only if we students actually listened to our teachers lessons. Answering that question on Mr. Jesus’s final exam would be much easier. If we listened to our teachers lectures,we would remember when he talked about the human need for food and clothing and telling us not to worry.“Your Father knows that you need these things, Instead, be concerned with his Kingdom, and he will provide you with these things.”Luke 12: 30- 31.   In this passage Jesus addresses the common human worry of obtaining the necessities of food and clothing. Here we are 2000 years later and our worries for the future have multiplied dramatically, but that doesn't mean that God can’t be trusted to provided. Jesus tells us we need to become focused not on future needs, but on our present relationship with God and his people. He tells us we don’t need to worry so much about the future as long your faith in God remains stronger than our fears. Sometimes finding the answer to the question is as easy as opening up the textbook.
“Trust God and everything will turn out alright”. “God has a plan for our futures”. “Focus on your faith in God”. I realize I have just presented a new set of classic cliches that need acted out in our lives. There is a question that still reigns. How? I don’t know. I only know how I have personally come to trust God. This is a new open-ended question, but everyone’s answer is going to be different. Some answers might still be wrong, but there are also multiple right answers.  Everyone's path to discovery, faith, and trust is different. I do not know other followers paths, nor do I think it is my business to know. However, despite the many different paths the destination is the same. The destination of trust in God is what's going to offer us deliverance from fear or anticipation for the future, and allow us to be truly connected with our present state, our present relationships, our present beliefs, and our present trust.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Prayers of the People

I got the wonderful opportunity to write and say a prayer for my church this Sunday. I was definitely nervous, however, I don't think I totally failed. The type of prayer I wrote is called the prayers of the people. This type of prayer in my church is a chance to say thank you to God for all he has blessed us with, but also to pray for the end of different misfortunes around the world. We will also collect prayer slips that our church members have written. The prayer slips will have anyone or anything needing prayed for written on it. I loved writing the prayers, and reading them in the service wasn't as bad as I feared. So everything went pretty good, and I wanted to post them on my blog. I don't have a good transition into the actual prayers soooo yeahh. Here they are! 

Dear loving and gracious God
Your love for us is shown in every moment of our lives
Let our gratitude for your infinite love be a reminder of our faith and devotion to you
We are very thankful for all you have blessed us with

From our hectically enjoyable lives and our chaotic daily experiences
To our moments of relaxation and peace  

From the food on our plates
To the water we drink

From our comfortable homes that shelter us
To foreign places we get to visit

From the beautiful areas of nature that surround us
To the exciting places and opportunities urban areas have to offer us

From our close and comforting relationships with friends and family
To our special encounters with strangers

From our sacred moments of individual solitude where we can independently pray, connect and grow in our faith with you
To moments right now where we as followers of Christ have congregated to pray, connect, and grow as a family of faith

We are thankful, O’ Lord, for your gracious blessings

Despite all of the wonderful blessings present in life we look at the world and see that pain and misfortune is inevitable

May our joyful blessings, be our source of hope in a world full of pain, and may our prayers reveal our optimistic desire for the hurt present in the world to be healed.

We pray that those who are lost in the world are guided by your ever-present light  

For the people whose hope has been taken by sorrow
We will hope for them when we pray that they regain their joy

For the places, households, and stomachs of the world where hunger is existent
We pray that food will no longer be a stranger

For all the children and adults without a solid education
We pray that they will find the people, resources, and motivation to learn and grow

For those who are treated immorally and unequally because of their gender, sexual preference, race, culture, or religion
We pray that the importance placed on the classifications of human kind will vanish and we all become one people

For the Christians of Iraq forced out of their homes and for those affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine,
We pray that their faith in you remain strong enough to give them strength, and that their tragedies may end

For all of those effected by the Ebola virus,
We pray that their bodies and spirt be healed
And for those who fear its expansion
We pray their fear be replaced by trust in God

For those sufferers who are unknown to us, we pray and trust that their anguish will end
And for those who we have the blessing of knowing, for the people in our lives, for the sufferers whose suffering we personally witness,
 We pray for (Insert pray slips)

Loving and gracious God, we know despite all the difficult and easy situations present in the world there are blessings from you to be found
Let them be a reminder of your love for us but also may it be our motivation and strength to do our part to heal the hurt of the world

We pray all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us when we pray to say… Our Father…