Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanks Be to God

           In honor of thanksgiving being tomorrow I thought I would post a little blog post about gratitude. Typically in elementary school they might have you write down what you are thankful for on a decorative sheet of paper. Their lists typically consist of friends, family, pets, and a few other points of interest. Yes their space is limited, but their list shouldn’t be limited to the most noticeable areas of gratitude in our lives.
            One day at church we watched a short video about experiencing life. Yes I know. Blah blah blah. I have heard it all before. While watching I arrogantly assumed he wouldn’t be saying anything different from what I have already heard or said. Oh how foolish I was. He would say something so much better. We are constantly told (even by me) that we must live in the moment to fully experience life. We are rarely ever told how. The creator of the video does enlighten us . He said to be completely connected to each moment or our lives, is to be grateful for each second. We have to look at what we are doing each moment and find the thanks we have to give.
       In the moment I am writing this post I can find many things to be thankful for. Not because I believe I have anymore than anyone. Because there are so many unnoticeable sources of gratitude we need to be motivated to look for. I am thankful for my parents who generously gave me the laptop I am writing on for Christmas last year even though I didn’t ask. I am thankful they work hard but also well-paying jobs that enable them to afford such luxuries. I am thankful for my ability to write and read. I am thankful for this countries and my cities amazing education system. I am thankful I got to experience that life changing video my church provided. I am thankful I attend such an amazing church. I am thankful for the man that made the life-changing video. I wish I remembered his name. I am thankful for my own room that I am writing in. I am thankful for its messiness. I am thankful for my own full sized bed.  I am thankful for my warm blankets surrounding me. I am thankful for the house my room is in. I am thankful that my two wonderful parents and three incredible sisters and I can live in it with extreme comfort. I am thankful that it is in a safe neighborhood and in a safe city. I am thankful for my overactive mind. I am thankful for this opportunity of peace.  To whoever is reading this I am thankful for you. If you know me, thank you for caring enough about me to read what I have to say. If I do not know you, thank you for giving me a chance. I could continue, but I think the list would probably be three pages too long. Again not because my life is of any more value than yours, but rather we all have so many hidden treasures in our lives.  
            There are so many aspects of life to be grateful for. It doesn’t matter if they are major or minor. We are blessed to have these priceless riches in our lives. We often forget to search for life’s buried treasures. I hope we remember to dig deeper. I also hope we remember God is the one who blesses the world with sources of gratitude. God has given this life to us as a gift. A gift that does not deserve to be wasted. A gift that deserves every aspect to be appreciated. A gift whose giver deserves to hear, “Thank You”. 

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