Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Genuine Hypocrisy

            I am a hypocrite. I am not proud of that particular title. However, I am not completely ashamed. There is a sincerity in my hypocritical words and actions that shapes who I am as a person.
            From writing various blog posts I have learned that I don’t only write my posts for my readers. I write them for myself as well.  I normally write about the ideal form of human behavior, but even though I am the one attempting to persuade others, I also am in need of influence from my words. My writing reflects the vision of the person I strive to be. It is not a portrayal of who I am. For that reason, I am a hypocrite. I attempt to tell people what to do even though at the same time I struggle to abide by the morals I preach. Even though my hypocrisy is much less than ideal, it demonstrates a character trait more abundant than the air we breathe. Imperfection. But it’s okay. God knows we aren’t perfect and loves us anyway. This is a cheesy cliché, but oh well. 
            I am not perfect, and I never will be. I am constantly attempting to improve myself and my actions. I guess, in a way, this post is an attempt to elaborate on my personal purpose for writing. Writing is the key to unlock the hidden secrets within my mind. I learn new things when I write. I write to discover my beliefs and the person I desire to be.  However, if people are influenced by or share my views, I would be overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness. On that note, I have two suggestions for anyone (including myself). First, we should be careful of how we view hypocrites. Second, we should attempt to battle the hypocrisy that may be embedded within us, but also we can’t hate ourselves if we are hypocrites.  

PS: Jesus does acknowledge hypocrisy in the gospel of John 7: 25-53. I would address it but it is scornful to a certain type of hypocrisy and if I elaborated on it would appear as though I am condemning a fellow hypocrite. I do not think it would be fitting to do that. But I always recommend reading anything Jesus says, so I would suggest checking it out. 

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